Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Uzbekistan - India - South Africa

Uzbekistan on the path to a normative & institutional development in the fight against corruption. Working with the UNDP, the anti-corruption agency of Uzbekistan announced a joint contest this year, involving the civil society to develop and implement new and innovative solutions in combating corruption. This development builds on multiple decrees by the Uzbek administration, and more than 80 legal documents has been adopted on the topic in the last five years.

Sada Elbalad English (SEE): https://see.news/on-path-to-normative-institutional-development-of-fight-against-corruption


[Opinion] India lacking progress on lower-level administration anti-corruption efforts. While president Modi has ensured that the top administration is nearly transparent, people in different parts of India are of the opinion that the most serious problem confronting the country today is corruption in state and lower-level government departments and public life according to the columnist. Digitalization is regarded as perhaps the greatest instrument in promoting transparency.

Eurasia Review: https://www.eurasiareview.com/20022023-where-is-indias-anti-corruption-drive-oped/


[Opinion] Anti-Corruption efforts in South Africa needs an attack dog with sharp teeth. Endemic and systemic corruption in the country needs a well-trained, specialist army, not a cohort of wet-behind-the-ears recruits to the prosecution service. To get the economy back on track, it is vital that the reform on the criminal justice administration is given precedence this year says columnist.

Daily Maverick: https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/opinionista/2023-02-19-stop-this-anti-corruption-tinkering-and-give-us-an-attack-dog-with-sharp-teeth/


Monday, February 20, 2023

Global - Ecuador - Global

[Report] Trade-Based Money Laundering: A Global Challenge. A new publication analyzing the scope and characteristics of global trade-based money laundering (TBML) finds that illicit activity poses complex problems for law enforcement while also undermining global development. Estimates of TBML varies from hundreds of billions to trillions of dollars annually.

Global Financial Integrity (GFI): https://gfintegrity.org/report/trade-based-money-laundering-a-global-challenge/


Ecuador: Over 3000 state-owned company contracts to be reviewed. Within the framework of an accusation about a corruption network in public companies of the energy sector, the minister of energy and mines noted that public companies must have their accounting and auditing up to date.

Tele SUR: https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Ecuador-Over-3000-State-Owned-Company-Contracts-To-Be-Reviewed-20230120-0016.html


[Report] Elite Capture and Corruption of Security Sectors. Since 2020, the U.S. Institute of Peace has convened the "Elite Capture and Corruption of Security Sectors Working Group" to study how manipulation of the sector for personal, political, or financial gain by powerful groups can contribute to violence. The report's four case studies are Afghanistan, Mexico, Uganda, and Ukraine.

United States Institute of Peace: https://www.usip.org/programs/elite-capture-and-corruption-security-sectors


Global - Guyana - The U.S.

Principles for effective beneficial ownership (BO) disclosure. Open Ownership's 9 principles were updated in January this year. They aim to expand the focus from companies to corporate vehicles more broadly, to account for the revision of Financial Action Task Force (FATF) recommendation 24 and to underline the judgement by the court of justice in the European Union on public access to BO, among others.

Open Ownership: https://www.openownership.org/en/principles/


[Opinion] Strong anti-corruption laws that are easily and effectively enforced are needed in Guyana. Columnist argues that the barring of direct family of government officials from bidding on contracts will prevent kickbacks. Given the financial attractiveness of the booming oil sector, safeguarding against corruption should be a high priority.

Starbroek News: https://www.stabroeknews.com/2023/02/16/opinion/letters/have-in-place-strong-anti-corruption-laws-that-are-easily-and-effectively-enforced/


The U.S. steps up enforcement of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) in Latin America. The act from 1977 criminalizes bribery of foreign government officials in exchange for new business or maintaining old business. The FCPA is not only applicable to U.S. citizens and companies, but foreign persons and companies listed in U.S. exchanges, subsidiaries, and stakeholders with "substantial contacts in the U.S."

Mondaq: https://www.mondaq.com/unitedstates/white-collar-crime-anti-corruption--fraud/1283656/us-steps-up-enforcement-of-foreign-corrupt-practices-act-in-latin-america


Global - Sub-Saharan Africa - Turkey & Syria

Invisible Trillions review: Global capitalism operates beyond the rule of law and threatens democracy. Raymond W. Baker's new book "Invisible Trillions" argues that "secrecy has become as important for corporations as transparent and taxable profits used to be". "Only radical improvements across the globe in financial transparency and accountability, and in regulatory capacity and integrity, can break this cycle of political decay and despair".

The Conversation: https://theconversation.com/invisible-trillions-review-global-capitalism-operates-beyond-the-rule-of-law-and-threatens-democracy-199311


[Blog] The dynamics of violent extremism in sub-Saharan Africa. There is no better environment for the expansion of violent extremist groups than a vacuum in state authority. These groups begin to compete with the state and may even be initially attractive to communities weary of years of lawlessness, corruption, and chaos according to authors.

UNDP: https://www.undp.org/blog/dynamics-violent-extremism-sub-saharan-africa


[Opinion] Corruption, corner-cutting and lax regulation caused so many deaths in Turkey/Syria disaster. Former Turkey correspondent from the Guardian argues that even though the devastating earthquake was an act of God; the devastation in its wake was the result of murderous corruption. She highlights fraudulent oversight, politics, and greed to be key components contributing to an estimated 13 million buildings in Turkey violating construction and safety regulations.

The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/feb/15/earthquake-turkey-corruption-buildings-collapse


Wednesday, February 15, 2023

South Korea - Global - Georgia

225.000 people participated in South Korean Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission (ACRC)'s Integrity Assessment. The 2022 public institution comprehensive integrity assessment (CIA) was renewed last year by integrating the existing integrity assessment with the anti-corruption initiative assessment. "The result is the fruit of anti-corruption efforts made by public institutions of various levels and will be a new standard…" says ACRC chairperson.

ACRC: https://www.acrc.go.kr/board.es?mid=a20301000000&bid=62&act=view&list_no=43925


[Report] Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Annual Report 2021-2022. The global money laundering and terrorist financing watchdog FATF highlights achievements on Beneficial Ownership, Digital Transformation and Migrant Smuggling in its annual report.

Financial Action Task Force (FATF) – Groupe d'action financière (GAFI): https://www.fatf-gafi.org/en/publications/Fatfgeneral/Annual-Report-2021-2022.html


TI concerned over corruption in Georgia. Transparency International (TI) comments that previous progress in the country has slowed since 2012. The country once held up as an anti-corruption champion in the region, now suffers from state capture of judiciary and law enforcement with a consequent low degree of high-level corruption prosecution and conviction.

TI: https://www.transparency.org/en/press/transparency-international-concerned-over-threats-to-civic-space-and-corruption-in-georgia


Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Middle East & North Africa - Ukraine - Sri Lanka

Corruption fuels ongoing conflict. The Middle East and North Africa has been in a decline on the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) for years. The region is also ranked as the "least peaceful region" according to the Global Peace Index. Transparency International (TI) argues that corruption, conflict, and security are profoundly intertwined.

TI: https://www.transparency.org/en/news/cpi-2022-middle-east-north-africa-corruption-fuels-ongoing-conflict


[Opinion] Ukraine's corruption purge is setting the stage for private investment-driven recovery. Corruption is regarded as a key threat to the Ukrainian economy, depriving public budgets and discouraging foreign direct investments (FDI). The current administration has taken strong anti-corruption action, and the country has witnessed a significant increase in FDI in recent years, says author.

DevDiscourse: https://www.devdiscourse.com/article/business/2353089-ukraines-corruption-purge-setting-stage-for-private-investment-driven-recovery


[Opinion] Lack of independence and the politicization of trade unions in Sri Lanka. In Sri Lanka, political parties have historically used trade unions as a tool to advance their own agendas. Union leaders have been appointed based on their political affiliations, rather than their ability to effectively represent the interest of workers, says columnist.

Sri Lanka Guardian: http://slguardian.org/politicization-of-trade-unions-in-sri-lanka/


Malaysia - Venezuela - Peru

[Opinion] Continuing the push for Anti-Corruption Reform. It is important that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and other related institutions are seen as independent. In the wake of scandals, the author argues that increased transparency in political financing is a key measure to cope with Malaysia's declining CPI score.

The Borneo Post: https://www.theborneopost.com/2023/02/10/continuing-the-push-for-anti-corruption-reform/


Transparency International (TI) concerned with shrinking civic space in Venezuela. The potential passing of a new bill threatens to shrink the civic space of Venezuela: "Civil Society is an essential component of a healthy, corruption-free society that allows for equitable access to key rights from health care to education" says chair of TI.

TI: https://www.transparency.org/en/press/transparency-international-condemns-attempt-to-close-civic-space-in-venezuela


Stronger anti-corruption institutions, increased transparency, digitalization, and further improvement of governance is key to boost growth and resilience. Peru has witnessed a strong economic performance the past couple of decades. Recent shocks threaten future economic growth and resilience, says the international monetary fund (IMF).

IMF: https://www.imf.org/en/News/Articles/2023/02/09/peru-staff-concluding-statement-of-the-2023-article-iv-mission


Mongolia - The U.S.A. - Madagascar

Government of Mongolia declares 2023 year of Fight against Corruption. The government, ministries, departments, governors and cities has set a goal to implement five special measures: Operation "Whistle", "Broom", "Bird", "Return" & "Glass".

AKI Press: https://akipress.com/news:694051:Government_of_Mongolia_declares_2023_year_of_fight_against_corruption/


US Senate blocks major anti-money laundering bill. Advocates call The Enablers Act the most significant reform of the US' anti-money laundering in 20 years. It was introduced in the wake of the Pandora Papers, requiring lawyers, trust companies and others, to investigate clients and the source of money and other assets that are moved into the American financial system.

International Consortium of Investigate Journalists (ICIJ): https://www.icij.org/investigations/pandora-papers/us-senate-blocks-major-anti-money-laundering-bill-the-enablers-act/



Call for Action to fight corruption in higher education. Corruption is rife in Madagascan higher education – including students bribing their teachers. Students should be educated about the problem and how to combat it, delegates were told at a conference on "Strengthening integrity and fighting corruption in higher education" organized by the Graduate School for Economic and Social Development.

University World News: https://www.universityworldnews.com/post.php?story=20230207131034224


Estonia - Moldova - South Africa

Estonian anti-money laundering platform used to fight Authorized Push Payment (APP) fraud. A real-time data-sharing platform originally built to identify money laundering is also being applied to fight other financial crimes. This increases the chances of victims of fraud to get stolen assets returned, according to CEO of platform.

Computer Weekly: https://www.computerweekly.com/news/365530101/Estonian-anti-money-laundering-platform-used-to-fight-APP-fraud


The EU and the Republic of Moldova strengthen engagement and cooperation on reforms. Under the EU-Moldova Association Agreement, the parties have agreed to strengthen cooperation. Moldova made progress in several key areas such as justice and the fight against corruption in 2022.

European Commission: https://neighbourhood-enlargement.ec.europa.eu/news/eu-and-republic-moldova-strengthen-engagement-and-cooperation-reforms-2023-02-07_en


[Opinion] State Capture in South Africa: Time to rethink differently about redress and recovering stolen loot, according to attorney. To curb state capture corruption, the author argues that South Africa needs to address impunity by separating power through a "integrity and accountability branch" with an internationally recognized redress tool.

The Conversation: https://theconversation.com/state-capture-in-south-africa-time-to-think-differently-about-redress-and-recovering-the-stolen-loot-199219


Global - Mexico - The U.K.

[Publication] Integrity based approaches: Combining rewards and sanctions works best. Anti-corruption efforts see an increasing popularity in integrity interventions: "Encourage good behavior instead of punishing bad behavior" is what U4 refers to as "integrity-based interventions" in Anti-corruption. But approach effectiveness is reliant on context.


CMI U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre: https://www.u4.no/blog/integrity-based-approaches-combining-rewards-and-sanctions-works-best



Corruption complicates crime reduction. According to researcher, one of the main problems of the Mexican government in implementing effective laws to address crime, is widespread corruption.


The Conversation: https://theconversation.com/mexico-made-criminal-justice-reforms-in-2008-they-havent-done-much-to-reduce-crime-198277



Research reveals nearly 52.000 UK properties are still owned anonymously. Despite new transparency law requiring offshore companies to update ownership in "Register of Overseas Entities (ROE)" by January 31st this year, nearly half of the companies required to declare their ownership have failed to do so, according to TI.


Transparency International (TI): https://www.transparency.org.uk/uk-register-overseas-entities-through-the-keyhole 


Pakistan - Ghana - Bangladesh

[Opinion] Flailing against corruption. Amid crippling political partnership and an economy currently teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, fighting corruption may be the only way to unify the country of Pakistan, according to The Express Tribune.


Tribune: https://tribune.com.pk/story/2398881/flailing-against-corruption



Vice President of Ghana: Only corrupt people hate transparency. In its quest to deal ruthlessly with the menace of bribery and corruption, the country has since 2017 ensured the deployment of technology and digitalization with the twin aim of ensuring easier, affordable access, and as an anti-corruption strategy says Ghanaian VP Dr. Bawumia.


Ghana Web: https://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/business/Today-in-History-Corrupt-people-hate-transparency-Bawumia-1708805



[Opinion] Bangladesh to improve its fiscal space: Condition from the IMF on recent loan.

The International Monetary Fund approved a $4.7 billion loan to the country on the condition that it strengthens its fiscal space. Low domestic revenue mobilization and low tax-to-GDP ratio, as well as widespread corruption and tax evasion is only parts of the challenges the country needs to address, says DR Khatun, Director of Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD).


The Daily Star: https://www.thedailystar.net/opinion/views/macro-mirror/news/better-fiscal-space-we-need-efficient-tax-system-3239916


Tuesday, February 7, 2023

The U.K. - Global - The Bahamas

[Press Release] Corruption crackdown under new government anti-money laundering laws. Overseas organizations owning UK land must have publicly declared their true owners, under world leading UK laws to crack down dirty money, says UK Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy.


UK Government: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/corruption-crackdown-under-new-government-anti-money-laundering-laws



Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 2022: Corruption as a fundamental threat to peace and security. According to Transparency International (TI), The United Nations recognizes that democracy is the best way to bring about international peace, and research has proven that democratic countries do not go to war against each other. But right now, democracy is backsliding around the world – and corruption is one of the greatest antagonists.


TI:  https://www.transparency.org/en/news/cpi-2022-corruption-fundamental-threat-peace-security



Pushing reforms in The Bahamas to make "a real dent" in corruption. "At the International Anti-Corruption Conference in Washington D.C. we learned that corruption has so many destructive impacts at all levels on countries". By passing four critical laws this year, the Bahamas can make "a real dent" in its anti-corruption standing, says Director of the Organization for Responsible Governance.


The Tribune: http://www.tribune242.com/news/2023/feb/01/push-reforms-make-real-dent-corruption/


Global - India - Uganda

Jordan, Latvia, and Israel shape up diplomatic corps after "shadow diplomats" investigation. Last year, ICIJ in partnership with more than 60 media partners published "shadow diplomats", and investigation revealing that honorary consuls have repeatedly exploited diplomatic status to threaten international security and the rule of law.


International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ): https://www.icij.org/investigations/shadow-diplomats/jordan-latvia-and-israel-shake-up-diplomatic-corps-after-shadow-diplomats-investigation/



Indian Tax Department: Think twice before tax fraud, the authorities are on to you with AI. Post-Goods and Services Tax (GST) rules have created a host of tax evasion methods. But the Tax department has new tricks up its sleeve.


The Print: https://theprint.in/opinion/think-twice-before-tax-fraud-the-authorities-are-on-to-you-with-ai/1343045/



State House Anti-Corruption tightens nose on land fraud. Land in Uganda has for a long time been a controversial matter that has deterred development in some incidences. Unfortunately, investigations over time have shown that land fraud and corruption start with officials at the ministry level and grows to individual level.


PML Daily: https://www.pmldaily.com/news/2023/01/state-house-anti-corruption-tightens-nose-on-land-fraud.html


Thursday, February 2, 2023

Bangladesh - Fededation of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Uzbekistan

Bangladesh's business environment deteriorated in 2022 due to corruption. "Corruption was the most problematic factor for doing business for the majority of enterprises" argues World Economic Forum's (WEF) Executive Opinion Survey.


The Daily Star: https://www.thedailystar.net/business/news/business-climate-worsened-2022-due-corruption-cpd-survey-3233511



The adoption of this year's Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) budget enables the largest investments. The adoption of this year's budget allows for the largest investments from domestic financial resources in strengthening the judiciary, to fight corruption and organized crime. "The investment in the judiciary and the fight against corruption will certainly give added value".


Sarajevo Times: https://sarajevotimes.com/the-adoption-of-this-years-fbih-budget-enables-the-largest-investments/



OSCE strengthens the open data ecosystem in Uzbekistan. "The development of open data forms an integral part of the OSCE's programmes to promote economic development and good governance, which is an important prerequisite for peace, sustainable development and security".


Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE): https://www.osce.org/project-coordinator-in-uzbekistan/536557


Wednesday, February 1, 2023

South Africa - Global - Solomon Islands

President Ramaphosa says ANC is committed to fighting corruption. "Corruption pervades all over in both the private and public sectors. It has become a national social ill which we must root out of South Africa" says Cyril Ramaphosa to the ANC national executive committee after recent sidelining of whistleblowers.


Business Live: https://www.businesslive.co.za/bd/national/2023-01-29-ramaphosa-says-anc-committed-to-fighting-corruption/



[Report] Corruption Perceptions Index 2022. The covid-19 pandemic, the climate crisis and growing security threats across the globe are fueling a new wave of uncertainty. In an already unstable world, countries failing to address their corruption problems worsen the effects.


Transparency International: https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2022



Solomon Islands registers minimal improvements in Corruption Perception Index (CPI). Despite the passage of important legislations, such laws have not necessarily achieved the desire outcome i.e., more arrests and/or prosecution for those who use public assets for private gain.


Solomon Times: https://www.solomontimes.com/news/solomon-islands-registers-minimal-improvements-in-corruption-perception-index-cpi/12397




The Netherlands - Nigeria - Southeast Europe

Money laundering bill would still give Dutch banks too much surveillance power. The Dutch Data Protection Authority (AP) is still very critical of the proposed law to tackle money laundering by banks. It gives banks the scope to monitor payment for suspicious transactions traffic on a large scale.


NL Times: https://nltimes.nl/2023/01/24/money-laundering-bill-still-give-dutch-banks-much-surveillance-power



Nigeria makes case for international anti-corruption court. The Chief of Staff to the president recently disclosed that Nigeria was working with some other countries to establish the International Anti-Corruption Court (IACC), to frontally deal with the menace of corruption.


This Day Live: https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2023/01/25/nigeria-makes-case-for-international-anti-corruption-court/



Policy Forum: Civil society plays a key role in fight against corruption. Civil society should act as a watchdog, but also a partner to the governments in advancing reforms and fighting corruption, concluded a panel in a forum organized by European Policy Centre (CEP) in Belgrade.


European Western Balkans: https://europeanwesternbalkans.com/2023/01/26/policy-forum-civil-society-plays-a-key-role-in-fight-against-corruption/


Global - Bangladesh - Oman

[Report] Authoritarian kleptocrats are thriving on the West's failures. Can they be stopped? Kleptocratic regimes have exploited the lax and uneven regulatory environments of the global financial system to hide their ill-gotten gains. As it stands, our thinking about how foreign corruption spreads is too constrained by stereotypes about kleptocratic goals and actions.


Atlantic Council: https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/in-depth-research-reports/report/authoritarian-kleptocrats-are-thriving-on-the-wests-failures-can-they-be-stopped/



[Report] High tax, lack of good governance cause money laundering. The Bangladesh Customs Department recently found that overseas trade is a "risky zone" in terms of money laundering.


Prothomalo: https://en.prothomalo.com/business/local/scwrvr7s0t



Inspection campaigns to combat money laundering launched in Oman. The country seeks to comply with the requirements of combating money laundering and terrorist financing, and to comply with the international standards in force in this field.


Zawya: https://www.zawya.com/en/legal/policy/inspection-campaigns-to-combat-money-laundering-launched-in-oman-knin4npw