[Report] Message misunderstood: Why raising awareness of corruption can backfire. U4 argues that Anti-Corruption strategies almost always contain an awareness raising element. Findings in report suggest that resources spent on awareness might be wasted or do more harm than good. Primarily because it might contribute to reinforcing beliefs that the problem is too big to solve, and the study found that a variety of messages have no impact.
Christian Michelsen's Institute (CMI) U4: https://www.u4.no/publications/message-misunderstood-why-raising-awareness-of-corruption-can-backfire
[Opinion] Paper to programs: A tech-based strategy to solve the Sri Lankan economic crisis. The columnist Rumi Nagpal argues that the paper records used to store land titles and other bureaucratic systems are inefficient. The introduction of blockchain technology would a allow for land titles to be stored, linked, and transferred digitally is both more efficient, and it guarantees reduced corruption due to decentralization and data protection says author.
Vietnam: New law on anti-money laundering (AML). From the beginning of this month, a new law on AML aims to implement recommendation of the FATF. The law encompasses the scope of reporting entities, new requirements regarding risk assessments, high-value transactions, and customer data management.
Global Compliance News: https://www.globalcompliancenews.com/2023/03/15/https-insightplus-bakermckenzie-com-bm-banking-finance_1-vietnam-new-law-on-anti-money-laundering_02282023/
European Community Shipowners' Associations (ECSA) welcomes the updated EU Maritime Security Strategy. The new strategy among other things, aims to strengthen the resilience and protection of logistical hubs, including addressing risks associated with corruption and illicit activities. Shipping is essential for Europe's energy security; food security and security of supply says General Secretary of ECSA.
Safety4Sea: https://safety4sea.com/ecsa-welcomes-the-updated-eu-maritime-security-strategy/
[Opinion] Wake Up, South Africa, and act against corruption. A positive programme of measures is necessary to restore legal and ethical practice in the SA economy. Peter Hain recommended in a lecture at the University of Cape Town, the establishment of a public procurement Anti-Corruption agency, Improved whistle blower protection, parliamentary oversight and a permanent anti-state capture and corruption commission.
Business Day: https://www.businesslive.co.za/bd/opinion/2023-03-13-peter-hain-wake-up-sa-and-act-against-corruption/
[Report] Mind the Gap: Analysis of research on illicit economies in the Western Balkans. Organized crime and corruption in the Western Balkans have been on the rise since the 1990s. The study aims to identify gaps in current understanding of organized crime, and to suggest future areas of work that could help close them, and to better understand illicit practices.
Global Initiative: https://globalinitiative.net/analysis/research-illicit-economies-western-balkans/
"Youth Against Corruption" event in Kazakhstan. Earlier this month, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)'s Programme Office in Astana organized an event focusing on raising awareness and encouraging action against corruption. "As Kazakhstan continues to implement anti-corruption reforms, the involvement of youth will be crucial to ensuring their success and promoting a culture of transparency and accountability".
OSCE: https://www.osce.org/programme-office-in-astana/538857
Integrity Authority of Hungary adopted its first report. "Educating the players of the economic sector, members of the whole of society and those in involved in public sector procurement about conflict of interest and graft prevention issues" the newly established authority highlights in its report currently submitted to the government.
The Budapest Times: https://www.budapesttimes.hu/hungary/integrity-authoritys-anti-corruption-team-adopts-2022-report/
Sri Lanka clears anti-corruption legislation mandated by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). As a key clause in the actions needed for a $2.9 billion bailout from the IMF, Sri Lanka has approved a bill that "will ensure that funds received by Sri Lanka will be used in a responsible manner and for essential projects" says government spokesperson.
Channel News Asia: https://www.channelnewsasia.com/business/sri-lanka-clears-key-anti-corruption-legislation-mandated-imf-spokesperson-3345646
[Report] Updated guidance to Beneficial Ownership (BO) of Legal Persons. Financial Action Task Force (FATF) last year agreed on tougher global BO standards in its recommendation 24. The updated recommendation is now public, aiming to assist policy makers and practitioners in national authorities and private sector stakeholders to implement necessary measures.
Environmental auditors approve green labels for products linked to deforestation. International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) recently led a cross-border investigation exposing how the lightly regulated sustainability industry overlooks forest destruction and human rights violations when granting environmental certifications. Lack of transparency and accountability in the auditing industry has led UK and Dutch agencies to estimate that 40% of eco-friendly claims "could be misleading consumers."
[Opinion] Anti-Corruption bill to be accompanied with "certificate of urgency". The Youth Wing of the Opposition United Democratic Party (UDP) of The Gambia recently submitted an anti-corruption petition to the government. To make anti-corruption a top priority, the youth wing of UDP urges the president to issue a certificate of urgency to accompany the new bill.
Why frontier technologies will drive the fight against corruption. World Economic Forum (WEF) points to 3 important core tensions when looking at the impact that rapid technological development can have future on anti-corruption efforts. Privacy vs Transparency, freedom of speech vs protecting human dignity and freedom of choice vs the need to ensure human autonomy are key dilemmas that should be addressed.
WEF: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/03/frontier-technologies-against-corruption/
Corruption as the most serious issue in Croatia. A report from Freedom House highlights that even though civil and political rights are generally respected in Croatia, corruption in the public sector is a serious issue, scoring only 2/4. "The score declined from 3 to 2 due to systemic corruption among government ministers and officials" says the report.
EU to Federal Government: Sustain achievements made in deepening democracy through ROLAC programme. The Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption (ROLAC) programme started in 2017 and was implemented in six Nigerian locations. Now that the EU-funded programme is in its close-out phase, there is an expectation that the government of Nigeria surpass the results recorded during the programme in the future, preserving sustained achievements.
Anticipation of Anti-Corruption (AC) bill in return of billion-dollar loan from IMF. Sri Lanka has been urged by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to reduce corruption vulnerabilities such as improving fiscal transparency, public financial management (PFM), AC legal frameworks and conduct an in-depth governance diagnostic in return of a $2.9 billion loan.
Economy Next: https://economynext.com/ahead-of-imf-approval-sri-lanka-govt-promises-anti-corruption-bill-114642/
Six corruption prevention actions in Indonesia. The minister of National Planning and Development, which is also a member of the Corruption Prevention National Team that efforts focusing on state finance will include among others; Digitalization to synergize poverty alleviation programmes, increase effectiveness of development spending by improved government procurement audits and reduce state revenue leakage by structuring the governments fixed assets.
Antara News: https://en.antaranews.com/news/275109/six-corruption-prevention-actions-focus-on-state-finance-minister
PM: Anti-Corruption drive and economic growth goes hand in hand. Malaysia's Prime minister (PM) argued that regardless of political alignments and positions, the unity government will not tolerate misconduct and corruption, and that leakages and lack of transparency and accountability has for too long hampered efforts to move the country forward.
India's money laundering laws will apply to trade in cryptocurrencies. Despite that the country is yet to finalize legislation and regulation surrounding cryptocurrencies, the government notified that it will encompass transfers in digital assets and exchanges between virtual and fiat currencies.
Emirati and Jordanian experts discuss shared interest in auditing process and anti-corruption efforts. Exploring ways to enhance competencies, shared experiences, promotion of integrity and transparency and future strategic partnerships were on the agenda when a UAE delegation met with the Audit Bureau of Jordan.
Arab News: https://www.arabnews.com/node/2264196/middle-east
TI: Bosnia and Herzegovina proposal would re-criminalize defamation. "Freedoms of expression and the press are essential to hold power to account, and the public must retain the ability to shine a light on corruption and other abuses to prevent that the country to falls into authoritarianism" says Transparency International (TI).
TI: https://www.transparency.org/en/press/bosnia-herzegovina-reject-criminalisation-defamation
European Union: Updates Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter Financing of Terrorism (CFT) blacklist. In part based on Financial Action Task Force (FATF) recommendations and reports, the EU has added the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Gibraltar, Mozambique, Tanzania, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to its list of "high-risk third countries". Nicaragua, Pakistan and Zimbabwe have been removed from the list on the basis of recent improvements.
Mondaq: https://www.mondaq.com/money-laundering/1289488/eu-updates-amlcft-blacklist-and-adds-five-countries
OSCE Mission To Skopje partners with State Commission for Prevention of Corruption (SCPC). An MoU was signed between the OSCE mission and SCPC to enhance anti-corruption policies and actions in North Macedonia. As part of the agreement, the Mission will provide assistance to detect and address corruption risks, promote evidence-based policies and strengthening the country's integrity system.
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE): https://www.osce.org/mission-to-skopje/538422
Worsening corruption is a key challenge in Iran. Policymakers in Iran face numerous economic challenges. Covid-19, the war in Ukraine, high unemployment and worsening corruption have together with sanctions caused a decline in economic growth, increasing poverty and devaluation of the country's currency. This increases the risk of internal conflict and instability says the Economics Observatory.
Economics Observatory: https://www.economicsobservatory.com/what-are-the-big-economic-challenges-facing-the-government-in-iran
[Blog] Joining forces to build financial resilience in least developed countries (LDC's). UNDP and "the office of the high representative for the least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing states" (UN-OHRLLS)'s engagement initiative seeks to build capacity for long-term financial risk management, and to build financial resilience in the face of shocks. These issues will be highlighted during the ongoing LDC5 conference in Doha.
UNDP: https://www.undp.org/blog/joining-forces-build-financial-resilience-least-developed-countries
[Opinion] Our anti-corruption capacity is hostage to power. Director of TI Bangladesh argues that the lack of real sanctioning against alleged corrupt actions, and that the relevant state institutions are subject to the "criminalization" of politically, financial, or governmental acquired power. This in turn sustains impunity and real anti-corruption results.
The Daily Star: https://www.thedailystar.net/opinion/views/news/our-anti-corruption-capacity-hostage-power-3263816
Hong Kong to build an international anti-corruption academy. Chief of the Independent Commission on Anti-Corruption (ICAC) says that Hong Kong is planning to build an academy to provide overseas anti-graft agents with more professional courses and to further promote a "clean culture".
South Korea removing 4,722 corruption causing factors. Based on a Corruption Risk Assessment (CRA) of the bylaws of 506 public institutions, corruption-causing factors such as undocumented overseas business trips, abuse of authority over personnel affairs and unfair contracts have been removed, according to the Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission (ACRC)
ACRC: https://www.acrc.go.kr/board.es?mid=a20301000000&bid=62&list_no=44092&act=view
Turkmenistan praised for judicial and corruption reforms. The country is reportedly plagued with corrupt trials and nepotism, but the human rights committee of The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) also commend Turkmenistan's implementation of the provisions of the International Covenant and raising issues concerning corruption and the targeting of human rights defenders.
Mirage: https://www.miragenews.com/turkmenistan-praised-for-judicial-reforms-959005/
Supreme Court (SC): Unsatiated greed for wealth has facilitated corruption develop like cancer. The SC of India says that constitutional courts owe a duty to the people to show zero tolerance to corruption, and that the failure to do so constitutes a prominent hurdle to secure social justice and the equal distribution of wealth.
The Economic Times India: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/india/unsatiated-greed-for-wealth-has-facilitated-corruption-to-develop-like-cancer-sc/articleshow/98387636.cms
European Public Prosecutors' Office (EPPO) launched 23 investigations in Croatia related to EU funds. After EPPO open offices in Croatia in 2021, investigations into cases with estimated damages of €313 million has been launched. "People who perhaps could have exerted influence thanks to their political power are no longer powerful" says former head of EPPO Croatia.
Corruption leaves fertile ground for criminal networks and human rights abuses in The Americas. According to this year's Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), 27 out of 32 countries have stagnant corruption levels. Weak and unaccountable public institutions fuels violence and insecurity. Adequate conditions for civil society and transparency in the criminal justice institutions are key elements for improvement says Transparency International (TI)
«Common Good» is the key ingredient for halting corruption in Peru. A Peruvian anti-corruption expert argues that Peru has had an "extractive" development model based on enriching oneself rather than giving back or improving people's lives. Reestablishing trust in public institutions and a cultural revolution that "makes room for solidarity and a sense of empathy" is needed he says.
[Blog] What are the costs of corruption? World leaders frequently cite figures for the global cost of corruption to raise awareness and promote anti-corruption action. A popular estimate is that more than $2.6 trillion, or 5% of global GDP, ls lost to corruption annually around the world. While the methodological soundness of such estimates is being called into question, research has provided ample evidence that corruption has a range of negative outcomes says authors.
World Bank Blogs: https://blogs.worldbank.org/governance/what-are-costs-corruption
Austria must improve its strategy to prevent risks of corruption in government and in law enforcement. The Council of Europe's Group of States against corruption (GRECO) considered in its recently published evaluation report that it is necessary to adopt an overarching integrity policy regarding government officials in Austria. This recommendation is based on the low level of public confidence in the political class, and the recent scandals that have tainted the reputation of the executive branch.
Council of Europe: https://www.coe.int/en/web/portal/-/austria-must-improve-its-strategy-to-prevent-risks-of-corruption-in-government-and-in-law-enforcement
[Opinion] China's anti-corruption agency has financial sector in its sights. China's anti-corruption agency: The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) recently published an article calling for a crack-down on "shadow shareholders" and "shadow companies", referencing beneficial ownership transparency. The columnist argues that Beijing seems to be increasingly concerned in controlling capital flight, foreign exchange, and public listings and to curb corruption.
Nikkei Asia: https://asia.nikkei.com/Opinion/China-s-anti-corruption-agency-has-financial-sector-in-its-sights
[Blog] Bribes for Bias: Can AI be corrupted? The potential abuse of artificial intelligence for private gain has profound implications for our economic, political, and social lives. Amid all the excitement, new technologies present new opportunities to willfully abuse power, and the effect that AI could have as an "enabler" of corruption has received little attention, says Transparency International (TI)
TI: https://www.transparency.org/en/blog/bribes-for-bias-can-ai-be-corrupted
South Korea: 8 out of 10 public officials said the conflict of interests (CoI) prevention act is effective. The Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) of South Korea surveyed 1000 citizens and 2045 public officials on recent act. 80% found that the Act on Prevention of CoI related to duties of public servants is effective in securing fairness in the performance of their duties.
ACRC: https://www.acrc.go.kr/board.es?mid=a20301000000&bid=62&list_no=44090&act=view
[Opinion] Prioritizing public accountability for social development. According to columnist, public accountability is a dwindling phenomenon in Nigeria. High levels of public sector corruption and mismanagement of public finance has greatly impacted corporate development on local and national levels. According to an audit report, $1billion was not accounted for in 2019. "Public accountability of political candidates should be a core parameter in electoral choices" says columnist.
Nigerian Tribune: https://tribuneonlineng.com/prioritising-public-accountability-for-social-development/
G20 nations to discuss ways to trace and extradite economic offenders. This week, the Anti-Corruption Working Group (ACWG) of the G20 countries will meet in Gurugram, India. Topics such as proactive sharing of information, improvement of existing mutual legal assistance frameworks and simplifying mechanism for sharing information between domestic law enforcement authorities will be discussed says Jitendra Singh, Indian Union Minister of State for Personnel
U.S. Treasury Department's company ownership database proposal face criticism. Experts say the creation of a registry of company owners is crucial for unmasking the people behind anonymous shell companies that criminals and terrorists use to hide and transfer illicit cash. The American Banking Association calls for the new proposal to be withdrawn as it "would require banks to attain customers' consent before accessing ownership data". Attorney calls it "an attempt to limit the utility of the registry".
International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ): https://www.icij.org/investigations/fincen-files/proposed-rule-would-render-us-company-registry-effectively-useless-bankers-warn/
South Africa grey-listed by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). A grey listing by FATF indicates that a country faces shortcomings in tackling illicit financial flows. This could scar international reputation and may raise financial costs for the country. Despite significant progress from 2021 to January 2023, South Africa is grey listed until further strategic deficiencies are addressed.
The South African: https://www.thesouthafrican.com/news/south-africa-officially-greylisted-here-is-what-you-need-to-know-latest-breaking-news-26-february-2023/
Honduras seeks international help to fight corruption. A main pillar of the president's campaign was establishing an international anti-corruption mechanism supported by the UN and modeled after CICIG in Guatemala. Honduras and the UN signed an MoU in 2022, but this needs to be followed up by legal reforms to address institutional corruption and structural impunity says policy director.
Wilson Center: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/blog-post/honduras-seeks-international-help-fight-corruption
Thai election bodies draw up assessment criteria to determine whether policy platforms can lead to corruption. Political parties in Thailand are legally required to submit their policies to the Election Commission (EC) for public release, where source of election funds, benefits and risks are disclosed. The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) and the EC then assess whether the policies are prone to policy-oriented graft and if they uphold transparency requirements.
Bangkok Post: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2513750/anti-corruption-election-bodies-draw-up-criteria-to-prevent-policy-abuses
Mitigating corruption in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. U4 anti-corruption resource centre finds that there is a broad alignment on the Ukrainian anti-corruption policy priorities after the war. Was Ukraine to have military success on the battlefield, it may only represent a partial victory if Ukraine is unable to emerge from the war on a trajectory towards rule of law, control of corruption and democratic accountability says U4.
CMI U4: https://www.u4.no/publications/mitigating-corruption-in-the-post-war-reconstruction-of-ukraine
[Blog] How are perceptions of corruption in seven small Pacific countries?
Larger Pacific Island neighbors are often garnering the lion's share of attention both from researchers and policy makers. How are the experiences of corruption in countries like Tuvalu, Tokelau, Niue, the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), The Cook Islands, Palau, and Nauru?
DevPolicy Blog: https://devpolicy.org/perceptions-of-corruption-in-seven-small-pacific-island-countries-20230223/
[Opinion] Two decades of new anti-corruption law in Nepal: Why it missed its mark.
According to a Nepalese journalist, the Anti-Corruption law and Prevention of Corruption act of 2002 laid the foundation for numerous investigations, scandals, and court cases. To a large extent, they did however fail to enable significant conviction and return of assets.
Online Khabar: https://english.onlinekhabar.com/anti-corruption-law-missing-target.html
[Blog] Growing security risks and authoritarianism threaten progress against corruption.
Eastern Europe & Central Asia scored well below the global average in the Corruption Perception Index. Although countries like Armenia, Moldova, Ukraine and Uzbekistan have seen significant improvement since 2018, crackdowns on rival politicians, social discontent, shrinking of civic space and backsliding democracy is deteriorating accountability, transparency and integrity in the region.
Transparency International: https://www.transparency.org/en/news/cpi-2022-eastern-europe-central-asia-growing-security-risks-authoritarianism-threaten-progress-corruption
[Opinion] TI: Political candidates should declare donations, ministerial appointments and follow OGP principles. Scotland's new first minister should increase transparency, accountability, and integrity in how they govern, and putting open government partnership (OGP) principles to heart to maintain trust in parliament after turbulent times for the Scottish government, says Transparency UK.
TI UK: https://www.transparency.org.uk/scotland-government-trust-transparency-anti-corruption
2022 was a record year for crypto money laundering. According to Chainanalysis, illicit addresses transferred $23.8 billion in cryptocurrency in 2022, a 68% rise from 2021. Despite increasing scrutiny by regulators, "criminals continue to find new ways to use crypto for money laundering" says director of anti-money-laundering (AML) services.
Beincrypto: https://beincrypto.com/money-laundering-rise-law-paying-attention/
Colombia from "partially" to "largely" compliant on several Financial Action Task Force (FATF) recommendations. Compared to the previous mutual evaluation report (MER) in 2018, Colombia has seen "important progress in relation to addressing the technical compliance deficiencies identified in its MER". The country is only partially compliant on transparency and beneficial ownership of legal persons.
FATF: https://www.fatf-gafi.org/en/publications/Mutualevaluations/Fur-colombia-2022.html
Peer-to-peer knowledge exchange to strengthen regional anti-corruption and anti-money laundering efforts. As a part of UNDP's anti-corruption support, the Solomon Islands' Financial Intelligence Unit (SIFIU) aims to strengthen its capabilities through an attachment programme to the Financial Analysis & Supervision Unit (FASU) of Papua New Guinea.
Solomon Business Magazine (SBM): https://sbm.sb/peer-to-peer-learning-to-strengthen-regional-anti-corruption-and-anti-money-laundering-efforts/
9 countries to watch on the 2022 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). The index reveals a world still waiting for action against corruption. While countries such as the UK, Sri Lanka, Jordan, and Bulgaria are among the countries with stagnating or declining fiscal space, vested interests and low progress, Ukraine are among the top-improvers, according to Transparency International (TI)
[Opinion] Bitcoin «fixes democracy» and fights corruption. "Where democracies have broken down, I do think it's very clearly related to fiat currency, and I do think that Bitcoin fixes this in a way […] it represents free speech, property rights and open capital markets, all of which are stifling of a tyrannical government" says Chief Strategy Officer of Human Rights Foundation (HRF).
Coin Telegraph: https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-fixes-democracy-and-fights-corruption-human-rights-foundation
Uzbekistan on the path to a normative & institutional development in the fight against corruption. Working with the UNDP, the anti-corruption agency of Uzbekistan announced a joint contest this year, involving the civil society to develop and implement new and innovative solutions in combating corruption. This development builds on multiple decrees by the Uzbek administration, and more than 80 legal documents has been adopted on the topic in the last five years.
[Opinion] India lacking progress on lower-level administration anti-corruption efforts. While president Modi has ensured that the top administration is nearly transparent, people in different parts of India are of the opinion that the most serious problem confronting the country today is corruption in state and lower-level government departments and public life according to the columnist. Digitalization is regarded as perhaps the greatest instrument in promoting transparency.
Eurasia Review: https://www.eurasiareview.com/20022023-where-is-indias-anti-corruption-drive-oped/
[Opinion] Anti-Corruption efforts in South Africa needs an attack dog with sharp teeth. Endemic and systemic corruption in the country needs a well-trained, specialist army, not a cohort of wet-behind-the-ears recruits to the prosecution service. To get the economy back on track, it is vital that the reform on the criminal justice administration is given precedence this year says columnist.
Daily Maverick: https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/opinionista/2023-02-19-stop-this-anti-corruption-tinkering-and-give-us-an-attack-dog-with-sharp-teeth/
[Report] Trade-Based Money Laundering: A Global Challenge. A new publication analyzing the scope and characteristics of global trade-based money laundering (TBML) finds that illicit activity poses complex problems for law enforcement while also undermining global development. Estimates of TBML varies from hundreds of billions to trillions of dollars annually.
Global Financial Integrity (GFI): https://gfintegrity.org/report/trade-based-money-laundering-a-global-challenge/
Ecuador: Over 3000 state-owned company contracts to be reviewed. Within the framework of an accusation about a corruption network in public companies of the energy sector, the minister of energy and mines noted that public companies must have their accounting and auditing up to date.
[Report] Elite Capture and Corruption of Security Sectors. Since 2020, the U.S. Institute of Peace has convened the "Elite Capture and Corruption of Security Sectors Working Group" to study how manipulation of the sector for personal, political, or financial gain by powerful groups can contribute to violence. The report's four case studies are Afghanistan, Mexico, Uganda, and Ukraine.
United States Institute of Peace: https://www.usip.org/programs/elite-capture-and-corruption-security-sectors
Principles for effective beneficial ownership (BO) disclosure. Open Ownership's 9 principles were updated in January this year. They aim to expand the focus from companies to corporate vehicles more broadly, to account for the revision of Financial Action Task Force (FATF) recommendation 24 and to underline the judgement by the court of justice in the European Union on public access to BO, among others.
Open Ownership: https://www.openownership.org/en/principles/
[Opinion] Strong anti-corruption laws that are easily and effectively enforced are needed in Guyana. Columnist argues that the barring of direct family of government officials from bidding on contracts will prevent kickbacks. Given the financial attractiveness of the booming oil sector, safeguarding against corruption should be a high priority.
Starbroek News: https://www.stabroeknews.com/2023/02/16/opinion/letters/have-in-place-strong-anti-corruption-laws-that-are-easily-and-effectively-enforced/
The U.S. steps up enforcement of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) in Latin America. The act from 1977 criminalizes bribery of foreign government officials in exchange for new business or maintaining old business. The FCPA is not only applicable to U.S. citizens and companies, but foreign persons and companies listed in U.S. exchanges, subsidiaries, and stakeholders with "substantial contacts in the U.S."
Invisible Trillions review: Global capitalism operates beyond the rule of law and threatens democracy. Raymond W. Baker's new book "Invisible Trillions" argues that "secrecy has become as important for corporations as transparent and taxable profits used to be". "Only radical improvements across the globe in financial transparency and accountability, and in regulatory capacity and integrity, can break this cycle of political decay and despair".
The Conversation: https://theconversation.com/invisible-trillions-review-global-capitalism-operates-beyond-the-rule-of-law-and-threatens-democracy-199311
[Blog] The dynamics of violent extremism in sub-Saharan Africa. There is no better environment for the expansion of violent extremist groups than a vacuum in state authority. These groups begin to compete with the state and may even be initially attractive to communities weary of years of lawlessness, corruption, and chaos according to authors.
UNDP: https://www.undp.org/blog/dynamics-violent-extremism-sub-saharan-africa
[Opinion] Corruption, corner-cutting and lax regulation caused so many deaths in Turkey/Syria disaster. Former Turkey correspondent from the Guardian argues that even though the devastating earthquake was an act of God; the devastation in its wake was the result of murderous corruption. She highlights fraudulent oversight, politics, and greed to be key components contributing to an estimated 13 million buildings in Turkey violating construction and safety regulations.
The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/feb/15/earthquake-turkey-corruption-buildings-collapse
225.000 people participated in South Korean Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission (ACRC)'s Integrity Assessment. The 2022 public institution comprehensive integrity assessment (CIA) was renewed last year by integrating the existing integrity assessment with the anti-corruption initiative assessment. "The result is the fruit of anti-corruption efforts made by public institutions of various levels and will be a new standard…" says ACRC chairperson.
ACRC: https://www.acrc.go.kr/board.es?mid=a20301000000&bid=62&act=view&list_no=43925
[Report] Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Annual Report 2021-2022. The global money laundering and terrorist financing watchdog FATF highlights achievements on Beneficial Ownership, Digital Transformation and Migrant Smuggling in its annual report.
Financial Action Task Force (FATF) – Groupe d'action financière (GAFI): https://www.fatf-gafi.org/en/publications/Fatfgeneral/Annual-Report-2021-2022.html
TI concerned over corruption in Georgia. Transparency International (TI) comments that previous progress in the country has slowed since 2012. The country once held up as an anti-corruption champion in the region, now suffers from state capture of judiciary and law enforcement with a consequent low degree of high-level corruption prosecution and conviction.
Corruption fuels ongoing conflict. The Middle East and North Africa has been in a decline on the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) for years. The region is also ranked as the "least peaceful region" according to the Global Peace Index. Transparency International (TI) argues that corruption, conflict, and security are profoundly intertwined.
[Opinion] Ukraine's corruption purge is setting the stage for private investment-driven recovery. Corruption is regarded as a key threat to the Ukrainian economy, depriving public budgets and discouraging foreign direct investments (FDI). The current administration has taken strong anti-corruption action, and the country has witnessed a significant increase in FDI in recent years, says author.
[Opinion] Lack of independence and the politicization of trade unions in Sri Lanka. In Sri Lanka, political parties have historically used trade unions as a tool to advance their own agendas. Union leaders have been appointed based on their political affiliations, rather than their ability to effectively represent the interest of workers, says columnist.
Sri Lanka Guardian: http://slguardian.org/politicization-of-trade-unions-in-sri-lanka/
[Opinion] Continuing the push for Anti-Corruption Reform. It is important that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and other related institutions are seen as independent. In the wake of scandals, the author argues that increased transparency in political financing is a key measure to cope with Malaysia's declining CPI score.
The Borneo Post: https://www.theborneopost.com/2023/02/10/continuing-the-push-for-anti-corruption-reform/
Transparency International (TI) concerned with shrinking civic space in Venezuela. The potential passing of a new bill threatens to shrink the civic space of Venezuela: "Civil Society is an essential component of a healthy, corruption-free society that allows for equitable access to key rights from health care to education" says chair of TI.
Stronger anti-corruption institutions, increased transparency, digitalization, and further improvement of governance is key to boost growth and resilience. Peru has witnessed a strong economic performance the past couple of decades. Recent shocks threaten future economic growth and resilience, says the international monetary fund (IMF).
Government of Mongolia declares 2023 year of Fight against Corruption. The government, ministries, departments, governors and cities has set a goal to implement five special measures: Operation "Whistle", "Broom", "Bird", "Return" & "Glass".
US Senate blocks major anti-money laundering bill. Advocates call The Enablers Act the most significant reform of the US' anti-money laundering in 20 years. It was introduced in the wake of the Pandora Papers, requiring lawyers, trust companies and others, to investigate clients and the source of money and other assets that are moved into the American financial system.
International Consortium of Investigate Journalists (ICIJ): https://www.icij.org/investigations/pandora-papers/us-senate-blocks-major-anti-money-laundering-bill-the-enablers-act/
Call for Action to fight corruption in higher education. Corruption is rife in Madagascan higher education – including students bribing their teachers. Students should be educated about the problem and how to combat it, delegates were told at a conference on "Strengthening integrity and fighting corruption in higher education" organized by the Graduate School for Economic and Social Development.
University World News: https://www.universityworldnews.com/post.php?story=20230207131034224