Mongolia: law on public information. “State Secretary of the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs Mr. Baasandorj gave a brief interview regarding the Law on Public Information. Current Law on Information Transparency and the Right to Access Information is being revised into the Law on Public Information.”
Independent Authority Against Corruption of Mongolia:
The Corruption of the Afghan Presidency. “[Afghanistan’s former president, Ashraf Ghani], during his nearly seven years in power, found ways to enrich his brother, his brother-in-law, and other members of his inner circle. This April, I co-authored a two-year-long investigation, published by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, that revealed the Afghan president’s office had approved unique extralegal rights for the subsidiary of an American military contractor to purchase, process, and sell the metal chromite from local Afghan mines.”
Zack Kopplin/The American Prospect:
'Joe Ferrari' case lifts lid on police corruption. “A flashy cop with a taste for fast cars falls from grace following the leak of spine-chilling footage of a brutal interrogation gone wrong. Not the plot of a blockbuster thriller, but the vivid reality of a story that has gripped the country in recent weeks and spotlighted police corruption that experts say infects almost every level of society in the kingdom.”
Bangkok Post: