Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Indonesia SOE compliance / Thailand asset declaration / Sri Lanka political alternative

Corporate compliance key to corruption prevention (Opinion).  The upholding of corporate compliance serves as a sign that state losses will not be considered a criminal act of corruption. Meanwhile, a breach of corporate compliance serves as a red flag, based on which a court is likely to rule that state losses are criminal acts of corruption.

Sechabudin and Imelda Napitupulu/The Jakarta Posthttps://www.thejakartapost.com/academia/2019/07/25/corporate-compliance-key-to-corruption-prevention.html


NACC panel looks to make listing assets more transparent.  Thailand’s National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) has formed a panel to improve its asset declaration form to improve transparency, the commission's secretary-general Worawit Sukboon says, indicating that the form needs to be revised to address several concerns raised by people required to submit their assets and liabilities, as well as complaints by critics in the wake of a luxury watch controversy.

Bangkok Post: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1718231/nacc-panel-looks-to-make-listing-assets-more-transparent


Making Political Alternative meaningful and Relevant to Masses (Opinion).  “Many functions that can be easily and more fruitfully carried out at local and provincial levels remain with the central government. The result is a top heavy administration that controls much of the country’s public finances and other resources, often leading to wastage, corruption and inefficiency.”

Siri Hettige/Daily Mirror: http://www.dailymirror.lk/opinion/Making-Political-Alternative--meaningful--and-Relevant-to-Masses/172-171472

Pacific Anti-Corruption Updates (27 July 2019): PNG, Fiji


Stop bribery and Corruption, says PNG PM Marape. Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape wants bribery to stop in all walk of life in his country. The Prime Minister appeals to the public, company personnel, government officers and anyone to stop bribery and corruption. Mr. Marape says, he will setup special bribery and corruption unit through the Ombudsman and Police Force to fight bribery and corruption in the country. 


Road-building spree in Papua New Guinea threatens environment, communities and economy.  A huge road-building scheme in Papua New Guinea could imperil some of the largest, biologically richest and culturally most diverse forests on the planet, says an international research team led by James Cook University in Australia.




Former TLTB staff on corruption charges.  A former Finance Clerk with the iTaukei Land Trust Board (TLTB) appeared in the Nausori Magistrates Court on corruption-related charges such as obtaining financial advantages.



To know more about the UN Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption Project please contact the team members:

Annika Wythes, Regional Anti-Corruption Adviser, UNODC, annika.wythes@un.org

Mihaela Stojkoska, Anti-Corruption Specialist - Pacific, UNDP, mihaela.stojkoska@undp.org

Maria Lee, Peace & Development Administrative Assistant, UNDP/UNODC, maria.lee@undp.org

Privatization increases corruption / Thailand Microsoft probe / Myanmar forestry sector

Privatization Increases Corruption (Opinion).  “Statistical analysis of International Monetary Fund (IMF) conditionalities on 141 developing countries from 1982 to 2014 has found that requiring privatization of SOEs has undermined anti-corruption efforts.”

Jomo Kwame Sundaram/Inter Press Service: http://www.ipsnews.net/2019/07/privatization-increases-corruption/


Probe looms in Microsoft case.  The Anti-Corruption Organization of Thailand’s secretary-general, Mana Nimitmongkol, urges the National Anti-Corruption Commission to act, in response to reports that Microsoft agreed to pay about US$16.6 million (about 512 million baht) to settle a charge brought against it by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) over kickbacks to government officials paid out by its executives in Hungary, Saudi Arabia, Thailand and Turkey.

Kornchanok Raksaseri/Bangkok Posthttps://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1718255/probe-looms-in-microsoft-case


EITI applied in forestry sector for the first time.  Myanmar’s forestry sector was included in the Myanmar Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (MEITI) report for the first time this year. Myanmar is the second country to have its forestry sector included in the EITI.

Myat Moe Aung/Myanmar Times: https://www.mmtimes.com/news/eiti-applied-forestry-sector-first-time.html

Top three challenges / Myanmar proposed law / India Power Department

Top Three Challenges and Good Practices in Anti-Corruption (Blog).  “Answering what are the main three challenges in fragile and conflict-affected states and developing countries was not easy; our experience is that corruption dynamics differ greatly from country to country, and across sectors.”

Diana Chigas and Cheyanne Scharbatke-Church/Tufts University:  https://sites.tufts.edu/ihs/top-three-challenges-and-good-practices-in-anti-corruption/


Public access to info: Planned archives law alarms civil society.  Myanmar’s government is proposing a new law on storing records and archives which critics fear will restrict public access to state information.

Thompson Chau/Myanmar Times: https://www.mmtimes.com/news/public-access-info-planned-archives-law-alarms-civil-society.html


Power Dept SDO gets 5-yr jail in graft case.  In India, the court of Additional District and Sessions Judge Rakesh Singh has awarded five-year imprisonment to a sub-divisional officer (SDO) of the electricity department in a graft case, which involves taking bribe from people and pressuring employees of the department to give money to him.

The Tribune: https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/haryana/power-dept-sdo-gets-5-yr-jail-in-graft-case/805727.html

China BRI anti-corruption / Malaysia beneficial ownership / Myanmar energy ministry

China to embed anti-corruption officers in BRI projects.  The Chinese Communist party’s top graft inspector, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI), plans to expand its anti-corruption campaign overseas by embedding officers in countries participating in China’s global infrastructure scheme the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

China Economic Review: https://chinaeconomicreview.com/china-to-embed-anti-corruption-officers-in-bri-projects/


Tackling beneficial ownership: MACC wants provision to identify real owners.  It's vital for the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to have its own provision on beneficial ownership in the MACC Act 2009 to identify real owners of businesses or properties to further eradicate corruption. Currently, there were provisions on beneficial ownership but it is under other legislations, such as the Companies Act and Anti-Money Laundering Act 2001 (AMLA).

Hemananthani Sivanandam/The Star: https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2019/07/22/tackling-beneficial-ownership-macc-wants-provision-to-identify-real-owners/


Anti-Corruption Committee Steps Up Energy Ministry Investigation.  The Myanmar Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has stepped up its corruption investigation of the Ministry of Electricity and Energy, seizing the minutes of intra-ministry meetings going back three years, after unsuccessfully attempting to obtain information from the Project Appraisal and Progress Reporting Department, which is overseen by the Ministry of Planning and Finance.

Htet Naing Zaw/The Irrawaddy: https://www.irrawaddy.com/news/burma/anti-corruption-committee-steps-energy-ministry-investigation.html

Bangladesh ruling party / Thailand complaint calls / Malaysia police probe

‘ACC probing graft allegations against 10-15 ruling party men’.  Bangladesh’s Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has been dealing with corruption allegations against about a dozen of the ruling party men, the commission’s Chairman Iqbal Mahmood said, although he did not disclose what level of the ruling party they belong to.

The Daily Star: https://www.thedailystar.net/politics/acc-probing-graft-allegations-against-10-15-ruling-party-men-1774309


Thailand’s anti-corruption hotline receives over 5,000 complaints in past two years.  912 complaints were lodged against state officials for misconduct and corrupt practices and forwarded to the National Anti-Corruption Commission for further investigation, of which 842 cases were resolved. The other 4,161 complaints were more about people’s well-being and hardship.

National News Bureau of Thailand/Thailand Business News: https://www.thailand-business-news.com/politics/74711-thailands-anti-corruption-hotline-receives-over-5000-complaints-in-past-two-years.html


IGP welcomes MACC action against corrupt cops.The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission's action against corrupt cops is welcomed, says the Inspector General of Police, indicating that the action was being taken in phases against any personnel guilty of misconduct by the Integrity and Compliance of Standards Department (JIPS).

The Star: https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2019/07/20/igp-welcomes-macc-action-against-corrupt-cops/

Thailand integrity review / Indonesia House speaker / Singapore accountant jailed

Thailand and the OECD advance cooperation: Launch of the Integrity Review of Thailand Phase 2 and Capacity Building workshop on Public Ethics.  Three years after the start of the Integrity Review of Thailand, the Thai government is continuing its commitment to strengthen public integrity policies with a series of activities, including a second review phase under the OECD-Thai Country Programme, covering corruption risk management, international control and auditing, as well as integrity safeguards in decision-making processes and transparency in policy formulation.

OECD: https://www.oecd.org/site/adboecdanti-corruptioninitiative/Thailand_and_the_OECD_advance_co-operation.pdf


DPR deputy chairman Taufik Kurniawan gets 6 years for bribery.  The Semarang Corruption Court has sentenced Indonesia’s House of Representatives deputy speaker and senior National Mandate Party (PAN) politician Taufik Kurniawan to six years in prison for bribery in a case connected to special allocation funds (DAK) for Kebumen and Purbalingga regencies. The court also stripped him of his political rights for three years, starting with his release from prison.

The Jakarta Post: https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2019/07/15/dpr-deputy-chairman-taufik-kurniawan-gets-6-years-for-bribery.html


Accountant jailed 25 years, 10 months for embezzling $41m.  A certified public accountant in Singapore with an "insatiable appetite for gambling" who siphoned close to $41 million from his clients for over a decade to feed his addiction was yesterday sentenced to a jail term of 25 years and 10 months.

The Straits Times: https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/accountant-jailed-25-years-10-months-for-embezzling-41m 

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Pacific Anti-Corruption Updates (20 July 2019): PNG, Solomon Islands, Fiji

These updates are provided by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Regional Anti-Corruption Project for Southeast Asia, and the joint UNODC - United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption (UN-PRAC) Project, with support of the Australian Government.

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PNG National Housing Commission's debts over K100 million : Tkatchenko. "The National Housing Corporation (NHC) has a liability of more than K100 million accumulated over many years,' the Housing and Urbanisation Minister Justin Tkatchenko said, adding that “It will be my task to clear all the liabilities and that everybody is accountable and proper financial processes are put in place to stop the leakages of money, rots and corruption.”


Blockchain likely for mainstream adaption. In order to curb corruption in every government offices and systems, the government can see to how best disruptive technologies like blockchain can used to provide solutions. For example, blockchain can really help the government with collection taxes or revenues, NID registration and issuance, lands titles and records, and the entire national identity system. 


More Bougainville public servants sacked over fraud claims. The chief secretary in the autonomous Papua New Guinea region of Bougainville, Joseph Nobetau, says two more Department of Community Government staff had been dismissed.




Solomon Islands Government Invests US$650K in Anti-Corruption Project. The Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet has committed US$653,700 to continue a cost-sharing partnership agreement originally signed between the Solomon Islands Government, represented by the Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in 2017.


Axiom Hits Out At Government. “…I urge the Prime Minister to speedily establish the Independent Commission on Corruption and supply resources to the police and law enforcement agencies to effectively prosecute offences in the natural resources sector. This pillage has been going on for too long.”, Axiom’s CEO General Manager Dr Phil Tagini said in a press statement.




Former employee of then PWD sentenced to 3 years imprisonment for abuse of office. A former employee of the then Public Works Department has been sentenced to three years imprisonment by the Suva High Court.




To know more about the UN Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption Project please contact the team members:

Annika Wythes, Regional Anti-Corruption Adviser, UNODC, annika.wythes@un.org

Mihaela Stojkoska, Anti-Corruption Specialist - Pacific, UNDP, mihaela.stojkoska@undp.org

Maria Lee, Peace & Development Administrative Assistant, UNDP/UNODC, maria.lee@undp.org


Friday, July 19, 2019

Future is Asian / Thailand cabinet task / India plane procurement

The Future is Asian, but Corruption Keeps it Mired in the Past (Blog).  “These are my four takeaways…:1) Transparency and access to information can disrupt the status quo…2) Tech solutions need to transition out from the experimental phase…3) Fast-track digitalization and e-governance solutions to eliminate red tape and optimize service delivery…4) Promote the engagement of the private sector as a critical driver of change.”

Diana Torres/United Nations Development Programmehttps://medium.com/@UNDPasiapac/the-future-is-asian-but-corruption-keeps-it-mired-in-the-past-17b5f2dc659e 


Poll: Ending corruption should be cabinet priority.  “Asked what political problems [Thais] want the new cabinet to tackle, 56.3% mentioned corruption in spending on various projects; 33.9% want it to avoid persecution and smear campaigns; 25.9% said it should quickly bring about reforms to make politics truly democratic; 17.1% want individual ministries to produce concrete achievements, and 14.4% said it should not resort to use of dictatorial power.”

Bangkok Post: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/politics/1712368/poll-ending-corruption-should-be-cabinet-priority


IAF drops plans to buy more Pilatus planes amid CBI probe.  The Indian Air Force has decided to abandon plans to buy 38 more Pilatus PC-7 MkII planes from Switzerland and, instead, launched a fresh global hunt for basic trainers at a time when the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is probing an earlier deal with the Swiss plane maker for 75 aircraft, for alleged corruption and irregularities, two senior officials said on condition of anonymity.

Rahul Singh/Hindustan Times: https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/iaf-drops-plans-to-buy-more-pilatus-planes-amid-cbi-probe/story-o7n826VS83ZvA2cHPIlivJ.html

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Thailand post office / Indonesia land reclamation / UNSSC online course

Fans purchase for post office blows up corruption allegations.  The sight of 30 fans mounted on the ceiling of a 60-square metre mail room at the Khu Khot post office, shared by Thailand Post's labour union, has amazed netizens and raised suspicions about irregularities in the procurement of office supplies by Thailand Post Co Ltd.

Bangkok Post: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1712036/fans-purchase-for-post-office-blows-up-corruption-allegations


Indonesian governor latest official busted for bribes in environmental case.  Nurdin Basirun, the Riau Islands governor is alleged to have taken the equivalent of at least $11,300 in bribes through a series of bank transfers made by Abu Bakar via the two fisheries department officials, in connection with a permit issued for land reclamation project in the province.

Indra Nugraha/Mongabay: https://news.mongabay.com/2019/07/indonesian-governor-latest-official-busted-for-bribes-in-environmental-case/


Moving from commitment to action: Integration of Anti-corruption in Sustainable Development Goals (Blog).  “…the implementation of the SDGs and in particular SDG 16 will not be successful if proper national mechanisms are not put in place to mainstream, measure and monitor the progress of anti-corruption in SDG implementation.”

Anga Timilsina/UN System Staff College: https://www.unssc.org/news-and-insights/blog/moving-commitment-action-integration-anti-corruption-sustainable-development/

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

India port sector / Myanmar forestry SOE / Philippines SEC commended

Mumbai the first target for programme to tackle corruption in India's ports.  The Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN) and the Indian government have linked up to tackle corruption in the country’s port sector, with a pilot scheme in the Mumbai gateway running until October.

Gavin van Marle/The Load Star: https://theloadstar.com/mumbai-the-first-target-for-programme-to-tackle-corruption-in-indias-ports/


Loopholes in Myanmar’s Forest Sector Cost Govt Million in Revenue (Interview-based).  “The government should focus on SOE law reform. Only [it] can control and give direction to the SOEs, define what their roles and responsibilities are and require them to disclose crucial information. SOEs are vital to our country, because they provide 50 percent of the government budget,” says Daw Khin Saw Ktay, a policy analyst at Forest Trends.

Nan Lwin/The Irrawaddy: https://www.irrawaddy.com/in-person/loopholes-myanmars-forest-sector-cost-govt-million-revenue.html


CoA affirms SEC fight against corruption.  “The [Philippines Securities and Exchange Commission] has consistently ranked among the sincerest institutions in fighting corruption, per surveys conducted by the Social Weather Stations with support from the Integrity for Investments Initiative, funding from the United States Agency for International Development and in partnership with the National Competitiveness Council and The Asia Foundation.”

Sam Mamudi/Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-07-03/hong-kong-bans-former-goldman-sachs-banker-leissner-for-life

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Bangladesh government performance / Thailand education system / International Justice Day

PM: Corruption must be contained for uninterrupted development.  Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina at the signing of the Annual Performance Agreement, which aims to promote accountability through all levels of government by evaluating their yearly performance, has asked the top government officials to be more vigilant against corruption so it does not affect the country's development in any way.

Dhaka Tribune: https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/government-affairs/2019/07/13/pm-zero-tolerance-on-corruption


Thai education system: Completely corrupt (Opinion).  “…does Thailand have one of the worst education systems in the world? Certainly not. But it’s also certainly not as good as it can be and it’s a pretty safe bet that the rampant corruption present in the system there is one of the reasons for that.” 

Sheith Khidhir/The ASEAN Post: https://theaseanpost.com/article/thai-education-system-completely-corrupt


International Justice Day: Corruption v/s Development through the lens of SDG 16 (Commentary).  “The problem of corruption cannot be tackled or resolved without the promotion of the rule of law and without ensuring equal access to justice for everyone.”

Saanya Jain/The Statesman: https://www.thestatesman.com/features/international-justice-day-corruption-v-s-development-through-the-lens-of-sdg-16-1502776359.html

Monday, July 15, 2019

BRI transparency boost / Indonesia water privatization / Bangladesh ex-CJ charged

China must ensure transparency to boost credibility of Belt and Road projects, former US diplomat says.  “It is in China’s interest to persuade the host countries to provide more transparency, you can’t force them but you can persuade them. For one thing, transparency is the enemy of corruption and corruption is the enemy of successful and financially sustainable projects”, said Russel, who served as the US assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs from 2013 to 2017.

Amanda Lee/South China Morning Post: https://www.scmp.com/economy/china-economy/article/3018185/china-must-ensure-transparency-boost-credibility-belt-and


Water privatization polluted with corruption: Coalition.  Members of the Coalition of Jakarta Residents Opposing Water Privatization (KMMSAJ) handed 25 pieces of evidence to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to support their claims about the city’s water privatization policy, which the coalition claims is tainted with corruption and responsible for some Rp 2 trillion (US$141 million) in state losses.

The Jakarta Post: https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2019/07/12/water-privatization-polluted-with-corruption-coalition.html


Bangladesh charges former chief justice with graft.  The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) filed a lawsuit against Surendra Kumar Sinha, Bangladesh’s former chief justice, and 10 others including a former bank chief executive on charges of graft, money laundering, and abuse of power.

Rappler: https://www.rappler.com/world/regions/south-central-asia/235203-bangladesh-charges-former-chief-justice-graft

Pacific Anti-Corruption Updates (13 July 2019): PNG, Solomon Islands


PNG govt to review laws protecting whistleblowers.  Papua New Guinea's prime minister says his cabinet will review laws protecting whistleblowers.


Sacked PNG police chief challenges cabinet move. Papua New Guinea's sacked police commissioner Gary Baki said despite the new government of James Marape signalling intent to crackdown on corruption, the appointment of a new police leadership was "not beneficial for good governance, transparency or accountability".




Govt urged to clean up ‘mess’.  “Whilst I am pleased to hear Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare’s call on government officials not to abuse powers vested on them in his 41st Independence Anniversary Speech, the call will become another political rhetoric unless he takes the necessary action to promptly deal with corrupt officials who abuse their powers for their own personal gains,” opposition leader Matthew Wale said in a statement.



To know more about the UN Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption Project please contact the team members:

Annika Wythes, Regional Anti-Corruption Adviser, UNODC, annika.wythes@un.org

Mihaela Stojkoska, Anti-Corruption Specialist - Pacific, UNDP, mihaela.stojkoska@undp.org

Maria Lee, Peace & Development Administrative Assistant, UNDP/UNODC, maria.lee@undp.org

Friday, July 12, 2019

Thailand outgoing regime / Indonesia beneficial ownership / Asia infrastructure transparency

PM wins poor transparency marks.  Thailand’s outgoing regime appeared to succeed in promoting transparency in procurement projects early in its tenure. However, in the last two years questions were raised over its handling of infrastructure projects, Tippatrai Saelawong, a researcher in regulatory policy said.

Mongkol Bangprapa and Aekarach Sattaburuth/Bangkok Posthttps://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/politics/1710219/pm-wins-poor-transparency-marks


Indonesia vows to eradicate corporate money laundering, tax evasion.  The government is set to intensify its crackdown on people hiding behind business entities for corruption, money laundering and tax evasion following the signing of an interministerial agreement on sharing information on corporations’ beneficial owners. The MoU was signed by several ministers and their representatives, including Law and Human Rights Minister Yasonna Laoly and Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati.

Kharishar Kahfi/The Jakarta Post: https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2019/07/05/indonesia-vows-to-eradicate-corporate-money-laundering-tax-evasion.html


Connecting Asia.  “To sustainably develop, finance and carry out infrastructure projects, the region needs to mobilise private capital and bring policymakers, investors and industry specialists together to promote efficiency and transparency in projects that are socially responsible and commercially viable.

Tanyatorn Tongwaranan/Bangkok Post: https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/1708671/connecting-asia

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Indonesia asset recovery / Japan anti-bribery enforcement / Thailand education corruption

Why has the long hunt for Soeharto’s ill-gotten wealth not produced results? (Editorial).  “In 1998, Soeharto fell as the head of the government, but his family’s roots remained intact in the Indonesian legislature.”

ASEAN Today: https://www.aseantoday.com/2019/07/why-has-the-long-hunt-for-soehartos-ill-gotten-wealth-not-produced-results/


Antibribery Group Presses Japan to Increase Its Enforcement.  The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Working Group on Bribery in International Business Transactions said Japan has made some progress since the previous evaluation in 2011, but it also has one of the least stringent enforcement rates given the size and range of its economy.

Mengqi Sun/The Wall Street Journal: https://www.wsj.com/articles/antibribery-group-presses-japan-to-increase-its-enforcement-11562358112


Graft rife in schools, study finds.  The acts of corruption, said Assoc Prof Pornamarin Promgrid of Thailand’s Khon Kaen University, range from the embezzling of state funds, colluding to mark up prices of educational and school construction materials, as well as demanding bribes from parents who want their children to be enrolled in a particular school. “About 30% of the total budget are skimmed away by irresponsible officials and school directors," he added.

Bangkok Post: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1708495/graft-rife-in-schools-study-finds

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Myanmar investment transparency / Hong Kong contract bribery / Approaches to anti-corruption

Myanmar Investment Commission accused of transparency failures.  Multiple transparency failures by the Myanmar Investment Commission to publicise proposed infrastructure projects are exacerbating tensions between local communities, the government and big business – since even more than two years since the Investment Law came into force, legal requirements for disclosure by both the MIC and investors are still not met.

Thompson Chau/Myanmar Times: https://www.mmtimes.com/news/myanmar-investment-commission-accused-transparency-failures.html


Former Highways Department official in Hong Kong jailed for accepting HK$50,000 bribe from subcontractor for road project in Tseung Kwan O-Lam Tin Tunnel.  While no one had witnessed the transaction, the ex-chief technical officer Chan You-wai returned to Hong Kong with an envelope of 50 HK$1,000 notes stained with Cheng Cho-yee’s DNA.

Chris Lau/South China Morning Post: https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-and-crime/article/3017133/former-highways-department-official-hong-kong-jailed


Approaches to anti-corruption (Opinion).  “In conclusion, we have to realize that corruption is not only reduced by deterrence such as provided by a strict criminal code and a high risk of detection. It is also undermined by the risk that bribes may not be reciprocated.”

Henry J. Schumacher/Business Mirror: https://businessmirror.com.ph/2019/07/09/approaches-to-anti-corruption/

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Pakistan anti-corruption drive / China shipbuilding giant / Thailand school lunch

'Government go-slow', as Pakistan's anti-corruption drive bites.  An anti-graft crusade promoted by Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has led to swathes of arrests of politicians, but critics say the economy is suffering as vital projects are put on hold by officials fearful of being caught up in the dragnet.

Drazen Jorgic/Yahoo News: https://news.yahoo.com/government-slow-pakistans-anti-corruption-113954843.html


Former General Manager of State Shipbuilding Giant Gets 12 Years for Corruption.  Sun Bo abused his position at China Shipbuilding Industry Corp. (CSIC) and broke corporate accounting regulations for the benefit of his own career — a charge that usually refers to falsifying financial records — while causing “significant losses” to the national interest, a local court in Shanghai ruled, without providing further details.

Zhao Runhua/Caixin Global: https://www.caixinglobal.com/2019-07-05/former-general-manager-of-state-shipbuilding-giant-gets-12-years-for-corruption-101435872.html 


Students in tears as principal shunted over lunch scandal.  A Thai school director was ordered out as a school-lunch scandal blew up after a video clip posted on “Watchdog.ACT’’ Facebook page showing students with small portions of rice and a soup the page described as consisting of “leftover vegetables" – however, teachers, parents and alumni defended her, saying the lunch quality took a hit after the municipality changed the caterer.

Nujaree Raekrun/Bangkok Post:  https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1707550/students-in-tears-as-principal-shunted-over-lunch-scandal

Monday, July 8, 2019

Myanmar judiciary management / Philippines bank secrecy / Hong Kong bans banker

Mandalay, Nay Pyi Taw courts implement case management plan.  Fifteen courts in Mandalay and Nay Pyi Taw are implementing a case management plan to try to restore the public’s faith in the judicial system, as part of the Union Supreme Court’s Judicial Strategic Plan for 2018-2022.

Kyaw Ko Ko/Myanmar Times: https://www.mmtimes.com/news/mandalay-nay-pyi-taw-courts-implement-case-management-plan.html


BSP chief asks Congress to ease bank secrecy law.  The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) governor, Benjamin Diokno who was also the former Budget secretary, has asked Congress to ease the country’s restrictive bank secrecy laws to safeguard the Philippine economy and weed out corruption.

Darryl John Esguerra/Inquirer.net: https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1137717/bsp-chief-asks-congress-to-ease-bank-secrecy-law


Hong Kong Bans Former Goldman Sachs Banker Leissner for Life.  Hong Kong’s Securities and Futures Commission banned former Goldman Sachs Group Inc. banker Tim Leissner from the city’s financial industry for life, due to his role in 1MDB.

Sam Mamudi/Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-07-03/hong-kong-bans-former-goldman-sachs-banker-leissner-for-life

Pacific Anti-Corruption Updates (6 July 2019): Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, PNG, Fiji

A South Pacific Drug Highway is Causing Big Problems for Island Communities.  Superintendent Brett Kidner, senior liaison officer for the Australian federal police pointed to some of the larger Pacific nations that have, in recent years, become plagued by drug abuse and related social issues—addiction, crime, gang violence, police corruption—as more narcotics have poured into the communities.




How do women feel the effects of corruption? (Blog).  "The conversations show that people are aware of the costs and impacts of corruption — from unfair access to healthcare and education to misuse of public monies. But what are Solomon Islanders saying when they discuss corruption? Turns out, it depends on where they are."  


Anti Corruption commissioners sought in Solomons.  Nominations for anti-corruption commissioners will soon be sought in Solomon Islands, the Prime Minister's Office says.




Jailed Vanuatu MP pardoned. Vanuatu's president has pardoned the former MP, Paul Telukluk who was jailed in 2015 for bribery and corruption.




Concerns over corruption.  The National Procurement Commission which replaces the previous Central Supply and Tenders Board will improve efficiency and transparency in the public procurement system, which over the years has lost millions through corruption.


'I'll resign if found guilty', pledges PM Marape over UBS loan saga.  Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape says he will resign from office if found guilty of improper conduct in securing the controversial K4 billion (NZ$1.8 billion) UBS – Union Bank of Switzerland – loan five years ago.


Corruption Practices: PNG MPs double-dipping.  Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape has been asked to crack down on "double-dipping".


Will Papua New Guinea's New Leader Make Good on His Reform Promises? When Peter O'Neill resigned in late May after eight years as prime minister of Papua New Guinea, he left behind a troubled legacy of corruption allegations and economic mismanagement.


Part of the solution or part of the problem? Private security in PNG.  The new Prime Minister, James Marape, has appointed member for Madang Open Bryan Kramer, as the country's police minister. Soon after his appointment Kramer promised to reform the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC), outlining a range of measures, including providing more opportunities for women, addressing corruption and improving discipline.




Trial dates of Fiji Corrections Service employees vacated.  The trial dates of two employees of Fiji Corrections Service charged with abuse of office has been vacated to October.


Two former employees of PWD receive additional sentences.  The former employees of the Public Works Department have been handed an additional three-year sentence for defrauding the government.


A former Revenue Collector for Ministry of Justice appears in Savusavu Magistrates Court on corruption‑related charges. A former Revenue Collector for the Ministry of Justice appeared in the Savusavu Magistrates Court on corruption‑related charges.



To know more about the UN Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption Project please contact the team members:

Annika Wythes, Regional Anti-Corruption Adviser, UNODC, annika.wythes@un.org

Mihaela Stojkoska, Anti-Corruption Specialist - Pacific, UNDP, mihaela.stojkoska@undp.org

Maria Lee, Peace & Development Administrative Assistant, UNDP/UNODC, maria.lee@undp.org

Friday, July 5, 2019

G20 whistleblower protection / Malaysia asset declaration / Nepal realizing accountability

New G20 principles on whistleblower protection must be urgently implemented (Statement/Press release).  “More than 400 CSOs and trade unions from around the world had called for G20 principles that protect both public and private sector whistleblowers, regardless of their contractual relationship. In implementing the principles, governments should ensure that private sector whistleblowers are equally protected.”

Transparency International:  https://www.transparency.org/news/pressrelease/new_g20_principles_on_whistleblower_protection_must_be_urgently_implemented


Malaysian MPs approve move to declare assets in bid to clean up politics.  All Malaysian MPs must declare their assets or face censure by parliament's disciplinary panel, as the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government won a unanimous vote on July 1 that should ease criticism of walking back on promises of reform. 

Shannon Teoh/The Straits Times: https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/malaysian-mps-to-declare-assets-in-bid-to-clean-up-politics


Making accountability real (Opinion).  “We must fight restrictive laws that aim to curtail rights by mobilizing together and building strong civic and media coalitions that draw red lines with the government when it comes to freedom of expression. And we must use international framework like Open Government Partnership to ensure commitments to more open and transparent governments at all levels.”

Narayan Adhikari and Suresh Chand/My Republica:  https://myrepublica.nagariknetwork.com/news/making-accountability-real/

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Anti-corruption SDGs integration / China metro contract / Myanmar laundering watch

Integrate anti-graft initiatives into SDG (Opinion).  “It would be better and more challenging if the National Anti-Corruption Plan (2019-2023) encapsulates anti-corruption and SDGs that foster an end to poverty, protect the planet, and advance prosperity and peace in parallel with making Malaysia a greater corrupt-free nation that promotes transparency, accountability and integrity.”

K.M. Loi/New Straits Times:  https://www.nst.com.my/opinion/letters/2019/06/494601/integrate-anti-graft-initiatives-sdg


Qingdao metro hit by shoddy building scandal.  The company, in China’s eastern Shandong province, will also fine the state-owned Gezhouba company after it was found to have illegally subcontracted parts of the project, which involved the power supply system to the line 1. 

DM Chan/Asia Times: https://www.asiatimes.com/2019/07/article/qingdao-metro-hit-by-shoddy-building-scandal/


Closely watching money laundering and terror funding.  Myanmar’s anti-money laundering Central Team Joint Secretary Police. Brig. Gen. Kyaw Win Thein said his team was closely watching and monitoring money laundering and terror funding in the country in order to prevent potential terror attacks, and that of over 100 money laundering cases his team had looked into, there were four terror funding cases.

Southasian Monitor: http://southasianmonitor.com/2019/06/30/closely-watching-money-laundering-and-terror-funding/

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

G20 anti-corruption agenda / Myanmar drugs money / Facebook cryptocurrency risks

Keeping corruption on the global agenda (Blog).  “G20 Governments can help support [integrity] efforts by creating a level playing field through fair and transparent processes and fair, effective law enforcement which, collectively, will also help address areas such as inappropriate sales practices and regulatory capture.”

Nick Hirons and Robert Barrington/Voices for Transparency: https://voices.transparency.org/keeping-corruption-on-the-global-agenda-1e94f47c58bd


90 Pct. of Money Laundering Cases Tied to Drugs.  According to U Maung Maung Kyaw, director general of Myanmar’s Ministry of Home Affairs’ Bureau of Special Investigations, 90 percent of the money laundering cases his bureau investigates are tied to drugs.

Htet Naing Zaw/The Irrawaddy: https://www.irrawaddy.com/news/burma/90-pct-money-laundering-cases-tied-drugs.html


Facebook’s Libra – An Enabler of Money Laundering? (Opinion).  “Libra could very well become the enabler of money laundering on a massive scale – and no amount of legislation will be able to halt the problem, because each region will have different views, different levels of understanding of crypto, and different ways to regulate it.”

Charles Delingpole/Regulation Asia: https://www.regulationasia.com/facebooks-libra-an-enabler-of-money-laundering/

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

China rural governance / Thailand asset borrowing / Indonesia minister donation

China issues guideline for enhancing rural governance.  The guideline listed 17 main tasks including improving systems and mechanisms of rural governance led by village Party organizations, regulating affairs managed by village organizations, honing villagers' ability of self-governance, introducing various consultation mechanisms about village affairs, providing better cultural services for rural residents, ensuring law and order and fighting corruption at the primary level.

Xinhua: http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-06/23/c_138167126.htm


MPs can borrow watches, anti-graft officials rule.  Using the same argument that cleared Thailand’s deputy junta chairman Prawit Wongsuwan of his luxury watch scandals, the Anti-Corruption Commission said politicians and officials are only required to declare their own assets in mandatory transparency reports, which does not include stuff borrowed temporarily.

Teeranai Charuvastra/Khaosod English:  http://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2019/06/26/mps-can-borrow-watches-anti-graft-officials-rule/


Indonesian minister admits to accepting $30,000 from Saudi Arabia.  Religious Affairs Minister Lukman Hakim Saifuddin has admitted to accepting US$30,000 from Saudi Arabia and failed to report it to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

The Jakarta Post: https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2019/06/27/indonesian-minister-admits-to-accepting-30000-from-saudi-arabia.html

Monday, July 1, 2019

OGP and SDGs / Crypto laundering crackdown / Malaysia asset recovery

How to Get Beyond the Doom and Gloom: Align OGP with the Sustainable Development Goals (Blog).  “As a voluntary independent platform, OGP can help increase public awareness of the SDGs.  OGP can help nudge greater collaboration (including from donors) around the 16+ agenda, as is occurring with other SDG clusters, such as those around climate.”

Sarah Mendelson/Open Government Partnership: https://www.opengovpartnership.org/stories/how-to-get-beyond-the-doom-and-gloom-align-ogp-with-the-sustainable-development-goals/


Global money-laundering watchdog launches crackdown on cryptocurrencies.  Countries will be compelled to register and supervise cryptocurrency-related firms such as exchanges and custodians, which will have to carry out detailed checks on customers and report suspicious transactions, the Financial Action Task Force said in a statement.

John O’Donnell and Tom Wilson/Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-moneylaundering-crypto-fatf/global-money-laundering-watchdog-launches-crackdown-on-cryptocurrencies-idUSKCN1TM1I8


Malaysia moves to recover $65m stolen from scandal-hit state fund 1MDB.  The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission has launched civil forfeiture actions — which allow authorities to recover assets allegedly obtained through crime — against 41 entities and individuals; it is the country’s largest civil forfeiture action to date.

Business Day: https://www.businesslive.co.za/bd/world/asia/2019-06-21-malaysia-moves-to-recover-65m-stolen-from-scandal-hit-state-fund-1mdb/